Meet the Team

  • Camden Baucke, MS, LLP



    Camden specializes in trauma, social anxiety, and depression. He uses modern evidence-based treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT). Read more about Camden here

  • Erin Hunt-Carter, PhD, LP



    Erin enjoys working with clients with internalizing disorders (like anxiety & depression), trauma, substance use concerns and poor body image. Erin particularly enjoys working with clients in bigger bodies, and takes an anti-diet approach to healing body image. Read more about Erin here.

  • Zoe Lapham, MS, TLLP



    Zoe’s clinical interests include anxiety, depression, trauma, identity, and interpersonal relationships. Zoe is particularly passionate about working with individuals who are LGBTQ+, neurodivergent, and people with chronic illness. Read more about Zoe here

  • Amanda Taylor, MS, LLP



    Amanda is passionate about helping people experiencing anxiety, grief, relationship/interpersonal problems, and stress/trauma related to parenting. She uses cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), to help clients move toward self-acceptance, self-compassion and more meaningful and authentic lives. Read more about Amanda here

  • Toni Boelter



    Toni is the first person you will talk to when you reach out to Great Lakes Mental Health. She is warm, friendly and knowledgeable, and she will get you set up for your intake session. She will also handle any rescheduling or appointment related issues you may have. She is a retired teacher, grandmother, and owner of two adorable goldendoodles. As a former therapy client herself, Toni knows it’s hard to reach out and ask for help. She is passionate about making the process of connecting with your therapist as pleasant and painless as possible. Read more about Toni here

  • Meghan Hunt-Snyder

