Therapy is a safe place where you can talk about personal issues without judgement or fear of your information being disclosed to others. Confidentiality is sacred, and we take it very seriously. Everything that you disclose in therapy stays private unless you sign a document called a release of information asking your therapist to share information. There are only a few possible exceptions to confidentiality. If you are using insurance, we will have to communicate some basic information about you and any diagnoses to your insurance carrier. The are several uncommon exceptions to confidentiality (e.g., you tell your therapist about a child or vulnerable adult who is being abused/neglected, you are an immediate risk to kill yourself or someone else, or there is a court order or subpoena to release information). We will explain confidentiality and its exceptions to you in more detail during your intake session.
If you would like to learn more about your privacy rights, here is a copy of the document we provide our clients explaining how we safeguard protected health information and their rights/our responsibilities with regard to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.