Depression is one of the most common reasons people seek therapy.
Everyone knows what it feels like to be sad, but depression is much more than feeling blue. It can be hard for people who have never experienced depression to understand just how different it is from ordinary sadness. It’s not something you can just “snap out of” and simply thinking positively isn’t enough to make it go away. However, therapy is an effective treatment and we can work with you to reduce your symptoms.
Depression does not look the same in everyone. People with depression can experience a wide range of symptoms. Most people with depression feel sad a lot of the time, but this isn’t enough to diagnose depression. In fact, some people with depression don’t even feel like they’ve been all that sad. They may lose interest or pleasure in things they enjoyed, or feel like being a little blue is just part of their personality. Because depression can look so different in different people, it is helpful to talk to a professional to figure out why you are not feeling well.
Some people experience mild depression and can get by in their everyday life. Others experience severe symptoms and can’t do even basic daily tasks. All forms of depression increase danger of death by suicide.
At Great Lakes Mental Health we take depression seriously. We will help you determine whether you have a depressive disorder, and we will come up with a treatment plan designed to help you feel better. You deserve to enjoy life again. It is possible. We hope you reach out for help today.